For many years, the Kysuce area has been waiting for the completion of the entire D3 highway, including the second tube of the Horelica tunnel, which will expand Slovakia's highway network. The construction will be expensive, around 1.3 billion euros will have to be paid, but fortunately most of the costs will be covered by EU funds. The public procurement processes have finally started, most recently the public procurement procedure was launched for the section between Kysucké Nové Mesto and Osčadnica. Earlier this year, the tender for the completion of the section between Oščadnica and Čadca, Bukov was already announced. According to the state's plans, a total of six lanes will be available for the current traffic on I/11, where approximately 25,000 vehicles travel daily. The D3 highway will have four lanes, and two more lanes will be added to the newly built first-class road, which was partly created on the site of the existing road surfaces.
The Financial Control Office believes that the creation of so many traffic lanes is unnecessary. In addition, there is also the risk that first-class road users will avoid the motorway due to sticker charges. That is why the analysts recommended the construction of a two-lane, so-called half-profile highway, or simply the construction of the highway without building a new first-class road. As a possible solution, it was suggested that the widening of the existing road would be sufficient. The Financial Control Office did not consider the width of the new first-class road to be adequate either, instead of the proposed 9.5 meters, they recommended a width of only 7.5 meters, since according to them there is no need for a road of this category if the D3 highway is built anyway. How would you handle this issue at the state level? Share your opinion in the discussion!